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Updated: 2024-07-05

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Tuesday, December 6, 2022 until Friday, December 9, 2022

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2023 - Tuesday, December 6, 2022 until Friday, December 9, 2022

We don't feel very well, it looks like a bad cold. We are not waiting for this right before we go to Thailand.
On Wednesday, Tom decides to do a corona test. We are very sad about the results, Tom has corona, Pia is starting to get it.
We can pretend nothing is wrong and just fly to Thailand. But being sick on a crowded plane is no fun, especially since we don't know if it's just a 'bad cold' or if we're getting sicker. And there is also family in Thailand that we do not want to make sick.

Pia contacts Nethai and asks about the possibilities to go to Thailand a few days later. The answer makes us even less happy, there are still three flights, on December 20, 22 and 24, where two seats are still available. All other Eva Air flights are completely full. There is also an additional problem, the seats that are still free cost more than € 1000 per person more, so pay more than € 2000 extra. We think that's a lot of money. And then there are also the costs for rebooking.
We inform Nethai that we will in any case not fly on December 8.

On December 8, Pia is feverish and shivering, but fortunately it doesn't get any worse.
Pia is in contact with Nethai again and asks if there are any other options. The answer will come in the course of the day: in the second half of January there is also a flight with free seats, but they are not as expensive as at the end of December. And the date of the return trip remains where it was. That means being in Thailand for only three weeks, that is not acceptable.

On December 9th we make the decision, we cancel our flight with Eva Air and we'll see what we do next.

Written on: 2022-12-22


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